My Oregon Territory home page

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This is Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers
Virtual Museum

Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, their members and friends support this webpage My Oregon Territory with love and appreciation for the sacrifices of those who came before us.


Telling the story of our Oregon Territory ancestors. Their accomplishments, their struggles and their vision.


Bringing together the historical documents in digital form held by SDOP, Oregon Historical Society, Oregon State Archives and other private and public sources. Items include census forms, journals, immigrant manifests.


Create access for Oregon Pioneer descendants and the public through forums and educational events to learn about the historical documents on the SDOP data base.

SDOP has consolidated our historical documents and added to them records maintained by other organizations to create the premium web location for information on our Early Oregon Territory Pioneers. There are over 100,000 records on individual Pioneers in our data base and it keeps on growing.

Hi first time visitor,

Welcome to the Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers website My Oregon Territory, a Virtual Museum. Visitors to the website are welcome to peruse all the pages including Members, Ancestors and Pioneers.  All the pages under the Members tab are search only. No editing, adding or deleting can be done. As s member your profile is already in place. If you find an error in your profile please let the webmaster know at

A tip on the search process. Be sure all the fields are cleared before you start a new search. Any search criteria left in a field unintentionally will effect any future search outcome.

The curator tab is for members who have undergone training in the process of adding or editing. any record in the members or pioneers data bases. Should you want to learn more about becoming a Virtual Museum Curator again please contact the Webmaster at 

If you wish as a member to add journals, pictures or other documents to the Pioneer database please forward them to the  webmaster and they will be assigned to a Virtual Museum Curator for inclusion in the pioneer records. 

You will see a field called Member Id# or Pioneer Id#. You do not need this number to conduct a search. If you do know it, it will help preform a faster and more concise search in the future if you what to return to result of a prior search result. It is displayed on the details page for the member or pioneer.

We at SDOP are very proud of MOT Virtual Museum and want to see it grow with your contributions of historic or family interest.

SDOP MOT Webmaster 
Mel Fuller