
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - CIRCA 1993 : A stamp printed in USA shows Oregon trail circa 1993

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – CIRCA 1993 : A stamp printed in USA shows Oregon trail circa 1993

General Information about the Oregon Trail

Oregon Trail 101 – Lots of general information about the Oregon Trail.  Some diaries and books.

Legends of America – Great links to Oregon Trail historic sites

Wikipedia – Need a broad overview of Oregon Trail history?

Oregon and Oregon Trail History

At the End of the Trail – Nice website focused on Clackamas County, the first capital of the Oregon Territory

Barlow Road – Oregon Trail – An interactive website with photos, maps and audio of the Oregon Trail cut-off that ran from The Dalles around Mt. Hood to Oregon City.  While arduous, it created a safer route to the Willamette Valley than the Columbia River.

*** Crafting the Oregon Constitution – Some interesting trivia about the Oregon Constitutional Convention is available on the Oregon Secretary of State’s website.

End of the Oregon Trail (Historic Oregon City) – Oregon City resources

Idaho Chapter of Oregon California Trails Association – Want to learn more about the part of the Trail passing through Idaho?

Kansas Historic Trails – Information on that portion of Oregon Trail in Kansas

National Historic Trails Interpretive Center  (Casper, Wyoming) – Nice BLM Museum in Casper, WY

National Oregon California Trails Association – Dedicated to education and preservation of the Oregon and California Emigrant Roads.

On The Trail ~ A Website by Sanford “Sandy” Wilbur – An eclectic and interesting Oregon Trail website

Online Highways – Many useful links from around the State of Oregon

Oregon Historical Society – No exploration of Oregon Trail history is complete without a stop here

Oregon Pioneer Biographies – Several bio’s of early Oregon Pioneers

Oregon Pioneers (Stephenie Flora’s site) – Very comprehensive site with lots of Oregon Trail history, emigrant lists for most years, diaries, letters & more!

*** Oregon Statehood Act Text – The text of the Oregon Statehood Act, as passed by Congress, is available on the Oregon Secretary of State’s webpage.

Oregon Trail History Page (Family Search) – A nice overview of Oregon Trail history and genealogy resources

Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (Baker City) – Great museum in Baker City

Origin of the Oregon Trail – A nice summary of the early days on

The Oregon Encyclopedia – A joint project of the Oregon Historical Society and Portland State University

The – Lots of information on many national trails, the Oregon Trail included

Southern Oregon Historical Society – Lots of resources relating to Southern Oregon.

The Applegate Trail ~ webtrail – Focus on the Applegate Trail

Trailside Center  (Kansas City, Missouri) – Trail museum (Oregon, Santa Fe & California) in Kansas City

The Oregon Trail Today – A photojournalistic project inspired by The Oregon Trail

Oregon Genealogy Resources

A Place Called Oregon – Wide range of resources including info on Oregon Governors, County Sheriffs, Ministers, Churches, etc.

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society – Newspaper searches

*** Oregon Donation Land Claim Index – The Genealogical Forum of Oregon indexed the Oregon DLC’s many years ago.

Jackson County (Oregon) Genealogy Library – Great resource for Southern Oregon

Lane County (Oregon) Historical Society & Museum – Eugene and Lane County

Lee Mission Cemetery (Salem, Oregon) – Excellent resource if you have anyone here

*** Linn County Genealogical Society –  Located in Albany.  Newpaper index.  Obits.

*** Linn County Historical Museum – Located in Brownsville.  Linn County Donation Land Claim information, Cemetery Records, Census Records from 1849-1910, Marriage records 1850-1921, adoption records 1876-1919, obituaries and many, many photos of people, places and things from Linn County.

Linn County Resources – Trails to Linn County- Family Research

Linn County Resources – Linn County Genealogy Resources (OrGenWeb)

Oregon Genealogy ~ She Flies With Her Own Wings – Several Good Oregon Trail links here

Oregon Genealogy Forum – Perhaps the premiere Oregon genealogical organization

Oregon Pioneer Project – Less than one percent of the emigrants who came over the Oregon Trail are documents.  This project is trying to improve that number.

Oregon Secretary of State ~ State Archives – Early Oregonians database, Historical Records Index, Archived County Records Information

Polk County Historical Society – Research Library includes books, obituaries, articles, photographs, and various genealogical resources pertaining to hundreds of historic and current Polk County families, as well as numerous genealogical reference publications.

*** Sherman County Historical Museum – Among other resources, they have a six drawer file cabinet chock full of genealogy materials for Sherman County families!  Wonderful museum – worth a stop when on Highway 97.

The Dalles & Wasco County Resources – The Dalles website with links to local genealogy resources

University of Oregon ~ Oregon Newspaper Index – Oregon Newspaper Index

University of Oregon Library ~ Digitized Newspaper Project – Digitized Newspapers from around the state of Oregon

Webtrail – Southern Oregon Resources

***Yamhill County Historical Society and Museums

Emigrant Lists

1851 Emigrant List ~ – 1851 Emigrant list

1852 Emigrant List ~ Genealogy Trails – 1852 Emigrant list — lots of other Linn County resources

Diaries, Letters and Narratives of Oregon Pioneers

America 101 ~ The Oregon Trail – Lots of general information about the Oregon Trail.  Some diaries and books.

Brigham Young University Library – Original writing of emigrants on the Oregon, California, Montana and Mormon Trails – 1846-69

Lane County Historical Society & Museum – Several emigrant diaries online

Oregon State Library – List of emigrant diaries held in the Oregon State Library – Several emigrant diaries online

Books and Media

Emigrant Road ~ An Oregon Trail Adventure – Nice visuals of Oregon Trail landmarks

The Oregon Trail by Francis Parkman – Read this classic Oregon Trail book online

Barlow Road Book by Jim Tompkins (Text file)

Road Trip!

National Historic Oregon Trail ~ National Park Service – Retracing your ancestor’s steps?  Good place to start.

Roadtrip USA – Plan your Oregon Trail roadtrip

For the Kids

42explore2 – Activities and assignments for students

Life on the Oregon Trail – Trail map, diagram of Prairie Schooner parts and packing worksheet from CHEC

*** Pinterest – Oregon Trail pins for Fourth Grade Social Studies

Fun Stuff

Linus Pauling – two time Nobel Prize winner (Peace and Chemistry) – was a member of SDOP.  View his membership certificate on the Oregon State University Library website.

Bethany Janzen‘s speech as Miss Pioneer Oregon 2013 (Youtube)

Curtis Heritage Education Center – Non profit dedicated to preserving animal drawn transportation.  Good resource for Oregon teachers as they can bring a covered wagon to your school!

General Genealogy Resources

Top 100 Genealogy Sites of 2015 (Genealogy in Time magazine)

Genealogy and the Law (Legal definitions of terms encountered in Genealogical Research from Just Great Lawyers)

Military Indexes (Indexes to Military Records from the American Revolution through Viet Nam)

Billion Graves

Find A Grave

*** Research Your Family History from Ships’ Passenger Lists

*** Indicates new link

Do you have favorite Oregon Trail and Oregon Genealogy websites that you think should be included on this page?  Please send an email to with your suggestions!
